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Investing our energy in your business™

Enron Energy Services offers leading edge electricity products, commodity risk management, and related energy services that can lower energy costs and improve operational efficiency to businesses worldwide.

The volatility of energy prices across the country has heightened the value of energy risk management. Enron Energy Services (EES) partners with its customers to create energy savings through risk-managed commodity procurement and energy management services.

A company's "energy portfolio" contains not only the cost of energy commodities, but also the cost of energy equipment repair, maintenance and replacement. Typically, each of these elements is managed separately by different functional groups who do not coordinate their management, budgeting and project processes.

Our energy management services is a proven way for companies to reduce their energy costs, manage the risks of energy price volatility, improve and maintain and high-performing energy infrastructure and refocus resources on their core businesses.

EES can improve every area of a company's energy portfolio by tapping into a unique blend of highly talented energy management professionals, proprietary technologies, and an unmatched scale of resources.